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Dare to Lead

Dare to Lead

by Brene Brown

Daring Greatly and Rising Strong at Work

Who Should Read?

This book is my favorite management book to date. That being said, I would suggest not necessarily making this a first read, it is helpful to have some context as you start.


  • I recommend the audio book. She does a great job reading, and interjects in ways that are not possible in print.
  • This book is highly actionable in daily work life, perhaps moreso than any other I have read. It provides concepts in a very real way, which provides immediate usability.
  • It has easy to remember lessons that are easy to implement immediately.


Perhaps it is just me, but this book spoke to me in greater fashion than others. Others had situations that felt familiar, but not exact. This book felt dead on 100% of the time, which made it all the more powerful.

Brene is a psychology researcher focusing on leadership. She does a great job going deep into topics, but not getting stuck in minutia as she does so.

Important concepts

  • Rumbling with Vulnerability: This section of the book provides skills and reasons to encourage vulnerability by creating safe spaces. It does an extremely good job with the "why" by making it quite simple: Clear is Kind, Unclear is unkind.
  • Living into our Values: Identify, Walk the Talk, Self-compassion make up the skills here, but it gets tied together with the ability to give and accept honest feedback.
  • Braving Trust: This section is powerful, talking about the armor we put up in daily life, and how harmful it can be to do so. Anyone wearing their armor is living outside their integrity. BRAVING is an acronym to help.
  • Learning to Rise: This section ties the previous together with help identifying situations and tactics that should be used in each. Highly inspirational.